Profile PictureJaya Jagannath

A Love Supreme

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In this course, we cover the entire first section of Śrī-Rūpa Govsami's (RG) Bhakti-Rāsāmrta-Sindhu (Nectar of Devotion). The first section is entitled; “Divisions of Bhakti” and has 4 chapters: 1) General Bhakti 2) Practice Bhakti (sādhana), 3) Ecstatic Bhakti (Bhāva), and 4) Divine Love (Prema). Each class will be dedicated to one chapter.

A brief history of Śrī Caitanya Mahaprabhu (SCM), the 15th century avatara-saint famous for the resurgence of bhakti in the Indian sub-continent
A brief history of Śrī Rūpa Gosvami, the leader of six pre-eminent acolytes of SCM responsible for concretizing and codifying the teachings of SCM for posterity
An exploration of Śri Rūpa’s nine definitions of “supreme bhakti” and its different forms including the definitions of:
uttamā-bhakti (supreme bhakti)
sādhana-bhakti (practice bhakti)
vaidhi-sādhana-bhakti (rule-ruled bhakti)
sādhana-bhakti (practice bhakti)
vaidhi-sādhana-bhakti (rule-ruled bhakti)
rāgānuga-sādhana (heart-ruled bhakti)
rāgātmika-bhakti (divine spontaneous bhakti)
kāma-rūpa-rāgātmika-bhakti (divine amorous bhakti)
sambandha-rūpa-rāgātmika-bhakti (divine familial bhakti)
bhāva-bhakti (sun of divine love bhakti)
prema-bhakti (divine love)
Śrī Rūpa's breakdown of how to practice bhakti including:
nuance exposition of qualification (adhīkara) for bhakti
the different limbs of bhakti practice
and what is not a limb of bhakti practice
Śrī Rūpa's description of the experience of the culmination of bhakti and the general steps of a beginner to final achievement
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A Love Supreme

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